Russian commander claims Ukrainian POW's report that the Uky troops are being told that the Ukrainian Army is winning so decisively that they have captured Rostov - in Russia.
"So tell us is the Kiev propaganda helping the Uk soldiers or is it just for morale? Do the Jaegers [hunters] from Khortytsia [a Large island in the Dnieper River] fight harder for it?
-It doesn't help at all. It only helps morale. One POW told us they were told that Rostov was already captured
-So all the morale stands on propaganda?
-Yes, they are brainwashed
-But you must have already told him the truth?
-He didn't believe us, that's the extent of the brainwashing
-What's that in the background?
-Artillery fire
-Who's shooting?
-They're shooting at us and we are shooting at them
-But where are you going towards.
-So you are continuing the advance?
-Of course, without stop. If we stop we give them the chance to entrench. We fight like our grandfathers fought. If you are crushing the enemy you should crush them to the end.
-Are there any forces left for that?
-There are always forces on standby. Victory will be ours."
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