Ukrainian TVD, Day 77-79. The past 72 hrs has seen the Ukrainian military press the advantages made by their limited Kharkiv counteroffensive to push Russian forces into the Belgorod Oblast. Russian offensive action along the Siverskyi Donets Line has achieved little success.
Russian forces have been thoroughly defeated north of Kharkiv. Russia has been conducting a fighting withdrawal since the start of the Ukrainian counteroffensive rather than trying to establishing a new defensive line. The redeployment of 1st GTA & VDV units to the Vovchansk & Kupyansk areas indicates an eastward defensive shift tying into the natural barrier of the Siverskyi Donets River to augment the defensive capability & capacity of Russian forces to guard their rail & road GLOCs.
Russian forces have suffered a series of significant setbacks with a few marginal successes over the past several days. Attrition & redeployment of 1st GTA / VDV units from the Izium Axis has forced Russia to assume the defense in this area. Further east in the Severodoentsk Salient two attempts to ford the Siverskyi Donets NW of Severodoentsk and envelop the Salient from the NW and west resulted in a decisive defeat of at least one guards brigade, possibly two.
Russian forces may be coming close to a culmination point in which they will have no choice but to halt offensive action for a more extensive refit to reconstitute combat losses. Before this occurs, they will likely shift to an all or nothing effort to seize Severodonetsk.
The Russian offensive in the Donbas may likely culminate in the next 2-3 weeks, with the forward line of contact relatively unchanged along the Izium & Lyman Axes.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense publishes an infographic every day where it “reveals” how many enemy tanks, trucks, heavy guns, troops, and aircraft they have “destroyed” each day. The infographic also comes with a running tally.
So according to Ukraine’s MoD it has so far “liquidated” 27,200 enemy personnel including 300 in the last 24 hours. Along with 200 aircraft, 1200 tanks, and 5000 other kinds of vehicles. There are actually people who take these releases seriously or pretend they do. The English-language Kyiv Post features the numbers prominently on its main site (Like covid “deaths” and “cases” used to be highlighted for us before.)
Of course, the idea that the Ukrainian MoD has an idea of enemy losses is silly. The only thing sillier is the idea that Ukrainian MoD has any reason to be truthful even if it could know them (which it can not).
The Ukrainian MoD is naturally engaged in waging an information war, upholding morale, and covering its own behind from domestic criticism. What Ukrainian MoD is somewhat able to do is estimate its own losses but those it is not publicizing. — Again for precisely the same reasons it is pulling laughable numbers for enemy losses out of thin air.
The Russian MoD does the exact same thing. Every day RUMOD publishes a running tally of how many armored vehicled, “field artillery and mortars,” and other types of weapons it has “destroyed” in Ukraine.
The RUMOD tally differs from the UAMOD tally in that it does not keep track of enemy soldiers “killed”. However RUMOD does publicize the number of “nationalists eliminated” in their daily reports for that day. RUMOD does also occasionally tally up these numbers. The last time was on April 16 when RUMOD claimed to know that Ukraine had until that point suffered “23367 irrecoverable losses” (dead, missing, POW). For some strange reason some people who rightly laugh at UAMOD numbers then accept and bandy around RUMOD numbers. RUMOD has absolutely no way of even ballparking Ukrainian losses (except by extrapolation from its own losses). And even if could know them (it can’t) it has every incentive to exaggerate them several times over. The number that RUMOD does know somewhat well — the number of its own dead — that’s the one number it will not share. Because that one isn’t propaganda.
Basing the losses of a warring side on what *their enemy claims about them* (during active hostilities no less) is just the most bizarre thing ever.
The reality of the situation is that outside bizarro ledger wars like the American “metrics” quagmire in Vietnam, militaries do not even attempt to track enemy casualties. The reality is that to RUMOD the question of how many Ukrainians have been killed so far is all but irrelevant. This is trivia fixated on by civilians, but to warplanners — who know that wars aren’t determined by losses but by successful operations — it has zero utility. What they want to know is the enemy strength and composition in the present. For that purpose they do reconnaissance. They don’t scour last month’s battle reports to try to tally up how many men the Ukrainian corps facing them may have lost last month. Because that number is irrelevant to them the information is not collected and not tallied up. It’s only important for civilians and for them it can be just made up. In fact it’s better if it is, because then it can be anything you want it to be. In fact, the truth is that the only reason the militaries keep track of even *their own* losses is so that they know which units require replacements and how many.
These numbers are worse than useless. They are propaganda. Its misinformation exposure to which leaves one less informed than he started out. They are published knowing that they will be disbelieved, but with the hope that they will nonetheless color perceptions through anchoring bias.
-Russia plans to send up to 2,500 reservists to the war in Ukraine, trained now at training centers in the Voronezh, Belgorod and Rostov regions- General Staff
-A missile strike hit some military infrastructure in the western Ukrainian region of Lviv early on Sunday, the region’s Governor Maxim Kozitsky said.